Quick PMQs

Side project providing bite-sized summaries of the weekly Prime Minister's Questions session in the UK House of Commons.

Prime Minister’s Questions (often abbreviated to PMQs) is a session held in the House of Commons every Wednesday afternoon where the Prime Minister answers questions from MPs; specifically the Leader of the Opposition.

Quick PMQs offers short summaries of these interactions, attempting to focus on the heart of the issues being discussed by removing political rhetoric or personal attacks.

I started Quick PMQs because I was frustrated with the lack of constructive debate during these weekly sessions. Prime Minister’s Questions gets a relatively large amount of media exposure and echoes the wider political agenda; yet often the interaction between the leaders yields unfulfilling answers and descends into a political slagging match.

My motivation is to provide a clear and impartial summary of PMQs whilst highlighting the inadequacies of these sessions for the electorate.

Screenshot showing an example exchange between Jeremy Corbyn and David Cameron on the site

The site is built using the static site generator, Hugo, and as such is a serverless application with no database. Content is stored in markdown files, which get compiled at build and served as static HTML files; providing a lightening fast experience for the end user. The site is hosted, with love, on Netlify.